The Importance of Vulnerability in Networking

Vulnerability & Authenticity: a key part of networking

Brene Brown, author of the best-selling book, Daring Greatly, mentioned in her famous TED talk that “it’s our ability to embrace vulnerability that allows us to experience true authenticity, and thus true freedom and power in life.” Authenticity is directly connected with our ability (or inability) to be vulnerable. When we connect and meet with new people in a meaningful way, it’s key to embrace authenticity.

Even though embracing vulnerability can at times be uncomfortable and scary, we give ourselves and others the real us. Authentic business relationships always inspire and prosper!

When we’re open and honest about ourselves, our experiences, and our intentions, we create opportunities for deeper relationships with others. We also build trust – an essential foundation of any business relationship.

The importance of vulnerability in networking

When you’re networking, it’s important to be open and honest with the people you meet. Let them know what you’re looking for and what you can offer. At the same time, you need to be trusting of their intentions. Remember that networking is all about building beneficial relationships between people.

Being vulnerable is key.

Communicate your core values, be consistent, be accountable, follow through on your intentions, and as importantly, know what to share, and with whom. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable when networking. It’s the best way to forge strong relationships that will benefit both of you.

So how can you build trust with others?

Educate others on the work you do. Be honest and upfront with them. Let them know what you’re looking for and what you can offer. And be open to their suggestions as well.

How can you help someone?

Authenticity is currency – there is no greater technique than being yourself.

Great work leads to connections, and we all find our unique ways to connect and network with others. What about you? What works for you in networking?