The Importance of Encouraging Contribution in Organizational Success

In order for a team or organization to be successful, its members must be willing to contribute to one another. By making decisions every day about whether or not to contribute, employees play a crucial role in the overall success of their team or organization. With the right environment and tools in place, employees can feel more comfortable and understand the importance of contribution in organizational success. Which can lead to greater workplace productivity, innovation, and collaboration.

True importance of contribution

So what does “contribution” mean in the context of teamwork and organizational dynamics? Essentially, it refers to the act of giving something of value to others in order to help them achieve a shared goal. This can take many different forms, from offering advice or expertise, to sharing resources or information, to simply acting as a positive role model for others.

Contribution is an important factor in workplace productivity because when employees feel that their contributions are valued and appreciated, they are more motivated to work hard and do their best. This in turn leads to greater innovation and collaboration, as employees build stronger relationships with their coworkers and begin to trust one another more.

Contribution and why it is important in the workplace

Contribution is the act of giving something to a team or organization. It can be in the form of ideas, time, energy, skills, or resources. When employees contribute to their team or organization, they are helping to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.

There are a number of reasons why contribution is such an important part of organizational success. First and foremost, it enables teams and organizations to achieve goals that are greater than individual contributions alone.

For example, a team may be working on a project that requires extensive research and analysis. Individual members may not have access to all of the necessary resources or knowledge required to complete the project. But by pooling their resources and knowledge, the team can develop a more comprehensive understanding of the project and produce a better final product.

Second, contribution fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among employees. When employees feel like they are contributing to something larger than themselves, they are more likely to feel invested in the success of the team or organization. This sense of ownership can lead to increased motivation and productivity.

Finally, contribution encourages creativity and innovation. When employees are given the opportunity to contribute their ideas, they are more likely to come up with creative solutions to problems. This spirit of innovation is essential for any organization that wants to stay ahead of the competition.

The benefits of contributing to others in the workplace

When employees contribute to their team or organization, they are helping to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. The importance of contribution can result in a number of benefits, including:

1. Increased productivity and motivation. When employees feel like they are contributing to something larger than themselves, they are more likely to be motivated and productive.

2. Improved creativity and innovation. Contribution encourages employees to be creative and come up with innovative solutions to problems.

3. Greater sense of ownership and responsibility. When employees feel invested in the success of their team or organization, they are more likely to take on a greater sense of ownership and responsibility.

4. Enhanced teamwork and collaboration.

Some ways that teams and organizations can encourage contribution from their employees

There are a number of ways that teams and organizations can encourage contribution from their employees. Here are a few of the most effective methods:

1. Create a positive environment. Employees are more likely to contribute when they feel positive and supportive. Encourage team members to be friendly and helpful to one another, and provide them with the resources they need to be successful.

2. Encourage and reward creativity. One of the best ways to encourage contribution is to encourage and reward creativity. When employees feel like their ideas are valued, they are more likely to contribute.

3. Make it easy to contribute. Employees should have an easy way to contribute their time, energy, skills, and resources. Make sure there are clear guidelines and procedures for contribution, and make it easy for employees to access the tools they need to contribute.

4. Encourage and reward teamwork. Teamwork is essential for contribution to be effective. Encourage employees to work together, and provide incentives for team members to help one another.

Final thoughts

Contribution is one of the most important aspects of teamwork and organizational dynamics. When employees contribute to their team or organization, they are helping to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. This can result in a number of benefits, including increased productivity and motivation, improved creativity and innovation, and enhanced teamwork and collaboration.

There are a number of ways that teams and organizations can encourage the importance of contribution from their employees, such as creating a positive environment, encouraging and rewarding creativity, and making it easy to contribute. By encouraging contribution, teams and organizations can reap a number of benefits that can help them achieve success.

The Importance of Vulnerability in Networking

Vulnerability & Authenticity: a key part of networking

Brene Brown, author of the best-selling book, Daring Greatly, mentioned in her famous TED talk that “it’s our ability to embrace vulnerability that allows us to experience true authenticity, and thus true freedom and power in life.” Authenticity is directly connected with our ability (or inability) to be vulnerable. When we connect and meet with new people in a meaningful way, it’s key to embrace authenticity.

Even though embracing vulnerability can at times be uncomfortable and scary, we give ourselves and others the real us. Authentic business relationships always inspire and prosper!

When we’re open and honest about ourselves, our experiences, and our intentions, we create opportunities for deeper relationships with others. We also build trust – an essential foundation of any business relationship.

The importance of vulnerability in networking

When you’re networking, it’s important to be open and honest with the people you meet. Let them know what you’re looking for and what you can offer. At the same time, you need to be trusting of their intentions. Remember that networking is all about building beneficial relationships between people.

Being vulnerable is key.

Communicate your core values, be consistent, be accountable, follow through on your intentions, and as importantly, know what to share, and with whom. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable when networking. It’s the best way to forge strong relationships that will benefit both of you.

So how can you build trust with others?

Educate others on the work you do. Be honest and upfront with them. Let them know what you’re looking for and what you can offer. And be open to their suggestions as well.

How can you help someone?

Authenticity is currency – there is no greater technique than being yourself.

Great work leads to connections, and we all find our unique ways to connect and network with others. What about you? What works for you in networking?

The Power of Gratitude, The Power of Giving, and Networking

Giving empowers you. Every day we have the opportunity to make an impact on someone else’s life. Be it a coworker, colleague, friend, the cashier at the grocery store, or a family member. Almost every person you come in contact with has something they are going through, and they will appreciate knowing that you care.

It’s not just about making the other person feel good – although that is a nice side effect. When you take the time to express your gratitude, you are actually changing your own life in a pretty significant way too.

What is Gratitude?

Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness or appreciation. It can be directed towards other people, objects, or situations. Gratitude has been shown to have a number of positive effects on mental and physical health, as well as on relationships.

Why should we practice gratitude? Gratitude has been linked with a number of positive outcomes, including:

• Greater well-being and happiness

• Improved mental health, including reduced symptoms of depression

• Lower stress levels and better coping mechanisms in difficult situations

• Stronger immune system functioning

• More positive relationships, both with others and with oneself

The Importance of Gratitude and Giving in Networking

When you express gratitude to someone, it not only makes them feel good, but it also makes you feel good. Gratitude is a two-way street. Not only does the person receiving the gratitude feel good, but the person giving the gratitude also feels good. This is because when we express gratitude, we are opening ourselves up to receiving the positive emotions of kindness, thoughtfulness, and caring.

Gratitude is all in a day’s work.

Forget about what others can do for you. Do unto others. Giving first creates deeper community connections.

Networking is a give and take relationship. People respect givers once they understand their contribution to the community. Being a giver not only is more fulfilling in the long run, but creates a vault of social currency.

With utmost gratitude to all my clients, colleagues, and friends. #givefirst

Returning to the Physical Workplace to Reengage Old Relationships

It’s been a long two years since I’ve been in the physical workplace. In those two years, so much has changed – both politically and socially. But one thing that has remained the same is the human spirit. It’s still alive and well, and I’m excited to get back to networking groups and meetings and jump right back into the fray. It’s just time to reengage old relationships by returning to the workplace.

Of course, there are some things we need to get used to again. Like breathing in truly fresh air – free of a mask, free of mandates, free of politics. And making the workplace fun again. That starts by initiating activities, communications, and smiles!

What we do know

It is a well-known fact that the digital workplace has made it much easier for people to work remotely. With remote working, you can escape the office and find your own workspace wherever you are. This can be great if your office building doesn’t have a serene environment or if there is too much noise in the corridors, but this flexibility can also come at the price of disengaging from your colleagues.

The physical workplace has many advantages over the digital workplace. For example, in-person conversations tend to be more productive than online conversations because people can see each other’s body language and facial expressions. In addition, working in an office environment allows you to develop and reengage old relationships.

Reengage old relationships

Making the effort to reengage old relationships in the workplace can be very beneficial to your career. When you’re disengaged from your colleagues, you can miss important information and gossip that might be circulating in the office. In addition, you might find that you don’t feel a sense of belonging in your company’s culture. Returning to the physical workplace can help you feel more connected to your team, and improve and reengage old relationships with your colleagues.

There are many benefits to be gained by reengaging with old relationships in the workplace. First, you’ll be able to stay up to date on office gossip and important information. In addition, you’ll feel more connected to your team and develop a better sense of company culture. Finally, you might even find that you have more in common with your colleagues than you thought.

The physical workplace still has many advantages over the digital workplace. Making the effort to reengage old relationships in the office can help improve your career.

Office benefits

There are other benefits in reengaging with old relationships in the workplace. When you feel disconnected from your colleagues, it can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. This can impact your productivity and your happiness at work. Reengage old relationships can help you feel more connected to your team and to the company culture. It can also reignite old friendships and help you feel more supported in your work.

There are a few things you can do to reengage with old relationships in the workplace. First, try to attend company events and social gatherings. This will give you an opportunity to catch up with old friends and colleagues. If you’re not able to attend in-person events, try to stay connected with people on social media. This will help you stay up to date on what’s happening at work and allow you to continue building and reengage old relationships.

Lastly, make an effort to be more social in the office. Try to have lunch with your colleagues or chat with them in the break room. This will help you feel more connected to your team and make it easier to build new relationships.

Reengaging with old relationships can be a great way to improve your work productivity and happiness. When you feel disconnected from your colleagues, it can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. This can impact your productivity and your happiness at work.


The digital workplace has made it much easier to work remotely, but this can come at the price of disengaging from your colleagues and not feeling a sense of belonging in your company’s culture. You might find that returning to the physical workplace can reignite old relationships and help you feel more connected to your team. Reengage old relationships, it can have many benefits, so make the effort to reconnect with your colleagues today.

Sustainability: A Key Part of Your Company Culture to Engage Talent

In the current tough competition for top talent, having your company culture that values and practices sustainability can help give you an edge in hiring.

Millennial and Gen Z workers seek socially responsible employers

Deloitte’s Global Millennial Survey showed that millennials and Generation Z are rating the issue of climate change as a top concern. Michele Parmelee, Deloitte’s global chief purpose and people officer, said in a DiversityInc article: “They continue to push for a world in which businesses and governments mirror that same commitment to society, putting people ahead of profits and prioritizing environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and income equality.”

A study from EY found that Gen Z is highly invested in global issues and where they fit into larger systems, according to DiversityInc. “Publicly championing sustainability can help employers capture the attention of younger applicants, especially those who want their jobs to make a difference in the world.” A survey of large employers reported by Fast Company found that 40% percent of millennials preferred to work for “environmentally responsible” companies.

Workers seek employers aligned with their values

Concerns about sustainability are shared across generations. An eye-opening 71% of employees and employment seekers say that environmentally sustainable companies are more attractive employers, according to a 2021 global survey from the IBM Institute for Business Value. More than two-thirds are more likely to apply for and accept jobs with environmentally and socially responsible organizations – and nearly half would accept a lower salary to work for such organizations.

Steve Rice and John Lamy, from The Globally Conscious Leader, one of EBC Associates’ strategic partners, receive regular feedback from Sustainability Mentors in their program. They say, “Business leaders are starting to see long-term impacts and risks related to their organization’s sustainability They’re starting to understand that their most important stakeholders may actually be their current and future employees who care deeply about the environment and the world that they will contribute to through their work.”

How to deliver on sustainability

What can your company culture do to become or remain more attractive to employees with these values and concerns? Having a written statement of higher purpose relative to sustainability issues is a start, but back up your words with action. Don’t engage in “greenwashing” (making exaggerated or misleading claims).

HR and EBC Associates can help

Because job hunters say they want to work for companies that are taking action on environmental and climate change issues, employers are seeking to promote the ways they are taking this requirement seriously, according to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). An October 2021 Gallup poll revealed “70% of US workers said that a firm’s environmental record is important to them and is a consideration when deciding whether to take a job with a company.” One-quarter of those surveyed referred to corporate environmental records as a ‘major factor’ in their decision.” SHRM also notes that a 2021 study by WTW found that most HR professionals believe “it is essential for the employee value proposition to contain environmental and climate change strategies.”

Your company culture

Take a holistic approach. Be sure your recruitment process includes a clear message about what your company is doing. Make this part of your corporate branding to help attract qualified talent. If your company has received any recognitions, feature that on your website and on social media. If you’re recruiting on college campuses, leverage this in your branding with soon-to-be graduates, who may be especially drawn to work for companies with a sustainability focus.

How are your organization’s sustainability initiatives aligned and meaningful to your customers, applicants, and employees? We’d love to learn more. Please contact us here.

Recruitment Disruption & Hiring Trends for 2022

To hire or be hired successfully in 2022, focus on networking, connection, engagement, strong branding, and hiring trends.

Maintain connections to build talent pipeline

In 2022, networking will remain essential, whether you’re a candidate or the professional charged with finding one. A recent Forbes article notes that recruiting practices will change: “Instead of sitting around and waiting, companies will need to search for and engage with talent on a continual basis to accelerate their hiring. This could alter the way recruiters work. They’ll need to be strategic and offer a continual personalized reach out to potential candidates. In-house corporate talent acquisition professionals must stay in close touch, nurturing relationships with potential future applicants, and build a solid pipeline.” Maintaining connections and seeking out new ones will be key – for recruiters and candidates..

Use engagement to attract and retain talent

Employee retention may be just as difficult as hiring, according to an analysis by Glassdoor’s Daniel Zhao, who notes that “2021 should be a template for what to expect in 2022.” With the continued imbalance between labor supply and demand, the lessons of the past year still apply. Zhao recommends that companies recognize that “many employees are looking not just for a job, but for a career and a community. Whether it means investing in DEI, offering career development opportunities or building community across company and home offices, it will be more important than ever to focus on employee engagement and the workplace experience.”

Implement more incentive and referral programs to also include temporary workers

According to one Inc. article, we’ll see a “dramatic increase in high-value incentive programs,” which “can be particularly useful because candidates are essentially ‘pre-screened’ by the employee who is referring their friend or someone they know. Using a referral program creates trust among your team because they’re helping grow the organization” and creating “even more touch-points and connections for them internally.”

Companies that conquer the “talent crunch” will “widen their funnel of candidates by seeking those with a broader set of desired capabilities from a much more diverse pool,” according to the Harvard Business Review. “Focusing on a wider set of capabilities germane to each role can open up a larger pool of desirable candidates.” So, if a company finds someone who has the capabilities “most predictive of success in a role, the new hire can learn the rest on the job,” through formal and informal training. 

Have a strong brand that sets you apart

The Harvard Business Review article also highlighted three factors that strongly influence where the most talented candidates want to work. They are: a commitment to diversity and inclusion, transparent and accountable senior management, and a culture of coaching and development. The Forbes article noted that HR teams will need to “prioritize employer brand initiatives – or even define and hire for a head of employer brand role – to convey their culture, values, and vision.

The bottom line? Employers will need to brand themselves as a great place to work, and candidates need to brand themselves to highlight what they bring to the table in terms of skills, experience, and their own personal mission.

Hiring trends

Here’s to jumping into the new year with energy and enthusiasm! As you plan for future growth in 2022, please reach out for a consultation. I and the rest of the EBC Associates team would love to help you find the right fit with all the hiring trends.

Leverage Strategic Partnerships to Accelerate Growth

Strategic partnerships can help you grow your revenue at reduced costs and increase your exposure to potential customers and prospective employees. These partnerships, including channel and affiliate partnerships, can help you attract business and talent by leveraging the strengths of each partner.

Why strategic partnerships are so important

In a strategic partnership, two or more individuals or companies share resources for their mutual benefit and success. As defined in an article on, they share risks and rewards as they work to create value for each partner, offering information, services and other resources that the other would otherwise have no access to or could only access through a financial exchange. These strategic partnerships offer each company an opportunity to reduce expenses and increase business, allowing them to expand brand awareness, customer base, overall reach, and service functionality. I have noticed an increase in the number of these partnerships, some of which have come about as a result of the more challenging and complex business environment triggered by the pandemic. Benefits of a successful partnership can be impactful to a company’s bottom line.

Which type of strategic partnership to choose?

Depending on how you define them, there are at least six types of strategic partnerships. They are marketing, supply, supply chain, integration, technology, and financial. Marketing partnerships are very common. One example is the “Color Your Room” campaign by home furnishing retailer Pottery Barn and paint company Sherwin-Williams. In 2013, the two brands created an exclusive product line of paints, and then added a new section to Pottery Barn’s website where customers could select paint colors to complement their furniture choices. Note that each partner played to its strengths and helped drive business to both companies

EBC Associates, has a strategic partnership with Ai Media Group, in New York City. Ai Media Group’s Partner Program is made up of independent consultants who are compensated for promoting their technology. The benefit to me as a partner is that it has created an opportunity to build my network with a cutting-edge digital advertising group that is also a Blackstone portfolio company. This has opened many networking doors, created a value-added offering for the EBC portfolio and a pathway to another stream of revenue for my firm. “Liz has been a valuable partner to Ai Media Group. Her connections in the marketing and advertising industry made her a great fit for the types of companies Ai is trying to reach,” stated Charles Farruggia, Vice President of Partnerships at Ai Media Group.

Start with a good foundation

The initial steps of setting up a partnership to minimize risk and maximize benefits include clearly defining what you need from the partnership. Do you need help with marketing, distribution of a product, or something else? Tap your own network of contacts as you research which companies could best help you meet a specific goal. A contract is a must, as is continuing to nurture the relationship during the course of your work together.

Recognize the risks and realize the benefits

The main risks for strategic partnerships, according to a recent McKinsey poll, included partners’ disagreements on the central objectives, poor communication among partners, and the inability to identify and quickly make adjustments when circumstances change. Successful strategic partnerships begin with a clear foundation for the business relationship – do you and your partner have clear, well-defined goals for the partnership? You will also want to agree on how you will measure the venture’s success. Keep everyone well-informed, so that when and if circumstances change, you and your partner are willing to be flexible enough to change plans as needed. A successful strategic partnership provides many opportunities to leverage your company’s strengths and create value. There is no reason to believe that you have to always go it alone.

Build Your Personal Brand Without Being a Narcissist

Whether you’re actively searching for a new job or simply engaging in networking to nurture your career, it’s important to build your personal brand by using various social media platforms to promote yourself. The key is doing so without becoming so much of a narcissist that you push people away.

Balance confidence with humility

It’s possible to meet the challenge of balancing the need for a “a little ‘healthy narcissism and confidence” as you promote yourself while still connecting with people in an authentic way, according to the Forbes Coaches Council. If you want to make genuine connections with others, be ready to practice “trust, compassion, and humility” when self-promoting.

Engagement is a two-way street

Remember that engagement is a two-way street – if you only self-promote in your posts, you’re losing valuable opportunities to interact with people, including prospective clients and employers. When you share posts written by others, be sure to offer a thoughtful comment from your own perspective. Take the time to comment on other people’s posts and congratulate them on their achievements when appropriate. Use your promotional posts to practice reflecting rather than boasting. Instead of broadcasting only awards and accolades, consider devoting some posts to explaining how you met a challenge or solved a problem, and ask for comments as a way to increase engagement.

Focus on value, not vanity metrics

Instead of focusing on vanity metrics like the number of followers or likes, think quality over quantity. Create thoughtful posts that provide real value for readers and focus on action-oriented engagement metrics like comments and shares. If you post consistently, you’ll build engagement and relationships with people and companies attracted by your personal brand. Remember that when you share about the things that truly interest you, not just content that might gain attention as measured by “likes,” you’re emphasizing the unique qualities of your personal brand.

Share your authentic self and unique story

You can stand out from the crowd by crafting “a powerful story of who you are,” according to personal branding expert Dorie Clark, author of Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future. The idea is to combine the elements of your background, experiences, skills, and relationships to tell a story of what gives you a particular perspective to offer or contribution to make, based on your expertise and what you’re known for. Clark says the ideal area of your recognized expertise is the intersection between what you’re good at, what you enjoy doing, and what people seem to need. By being yourself, you can set yourself apart from the crowd instead of blending in.

Build your brand during networking

Don’t limit your personal brand building activity to social media platforms. It’s important to spend time interacting with people in real life. Whether they’re in person or online, networking events offer you the chance to share your interests and expertise with others in real time, and spark those conversations that build relationships for mutual benefit. Personal connections can often provide you with an advantage, whether you’re seeking a new position or looking for new clients, so show up in person and let others see your personal brand in action.

Recruitment Marketing Matters for Start-ups: Emerging Growth Companies

Recruitment marketing is a key part of building your talent pipeline, especially for emerging growth and start-up companies. It’s a brand attraction strategy that complements other recruiting methods and helps get prospective employees interested in the advantages and benefits of working for your company.

Attract talent with intriguing and inspiring content

Recruitment marketing goes beyond help wanted postings and other talent acquisition tactics to use other means of marketing your business to find talent. It’s an ongoing, comprehensive approach to giving your business more exposure. You can build your brand presence through content like videos or webinars, for example, to attract people to your company. These could be educational webinars promoting the business or inspirational videos about what makes your company unique and a desirable place to work. Through those marketing efforts, your company is engaging with people who might be interested in what you do – and perhaps interested in working for you at some point.

Amplify your company brand and get noticed

For startups and emerging growth companies without the name recognition of larger or more established firms, recruitment marketing is especially important. Marketing tactics play a role in getting qualified candidates to notice the job you want to fill and the company you want them to join. In fact, 62% of job candidates rank employer brand — the company’s reputation as a great place to work — as the deciding factor when applying for a job, according to LinkedIn Talent Solutions.

Recruitment marketing techniques

You can get candidates’ attention by using a number of recruitment marketing techniques. For example, setting up a LinkedIn Career Page complements your existing Company Page and can deploy content including videos. The Society for Human Resource Management notes that a good career site should:

  • Support your employer brand by sharing insights to your company culture,
  • Sell your company to job candidates,
  • Include creative media, such as pictures, graphics and video, and
  • Focus on the applicant experience by being easy to use and informative.

Recruitment ads are another innovative opportunity to showcase your employer brand and corporate culture. An effective recruitment ad focuses on what the employee wants, uses easy-to-understand language, and shares your company’s culture, mission and values.

Startups and emerging growth companies need to deploy a comprehensive recruitment marketing strategy because it helps build the company brand by creating constant exposure. This inbound strategy attracts people interested in what you do, even before they need to apply for a job with you. For example, EBC Associates LLC is working with two new clients, Tagline 360 (an integrated marketing communications agency from the Philippines) and Skills Simplified (a newly established corporate training and eLearning company founded in New York). EBC is helping with the initial hiring and business expansion, putting together opportunities for the company to present credentials as part of their recruitment marketing.

“Tagline 360 is excited to bring Filipino creativity to the global market,” says Jovy Rabelas, CEO, Tagline360. “We realize the spending power of the fast-growing and rapidly rising Filipino market. Our dream is to help companies understand this market and be better equipped to serve them.”

“In today’s post-pandemic world, the acquisition of skills spells the difference between evolution or extinction,” says Francis Miranda, CEO & Founder. “We wanted to make the process of acquiring skills as easy as buying your favorite products in the supermarket. Skills Simplified, brings to the table customized training products delivered with creativity, knowledge and fun. We are excited to grow here in the United States and bring our unique style of learning to this market.” Recruitment marketing allows you to build interest in your company as you grow, before you need to hire.

An antidote to panic hiring

Even established companies can be panicked if a key employee leaves. Having a recruitment marketing strategy in place can alleviate that stress and panic because it means you’re continually attracting and engaging with people who are already interested in your company. However, be sure to craft your recruitment marketing strategy carefully. The Forbes Human Resources Council pinpoints three main reasons why most recruitment marketing efforts don’t work. The first reason is that the messaging lacks authenticity (for example, the promised employee experience doesn’t match the reality). The second is that some recruitment marketing messages fail to highlight your company’s unique strengths as an employer. Third, if the recruitment messaging doesn’t sound “human”, but instead more like legal jargon or corporate policy, candidates won’t feel as connected.

Use networking events to build talent pipelines

Don’t overlook networking events as a recruitment marketing opportunity, as these can give your business additional exposure to qualified job seekers and plant a seed of interest among those who aren’t looking for a job right now, but might, over time, become interested in working for or with your company. For start-ups and emerging growth companies, recruitment marketing can offer an advantage in the competition for talent.

Retain Employees with Trust, Flexibility, and Wellness Coaching

Savvy employers are keeping their workforce intact with top employee retention strategies focused on trust, flexibility, and wellness coaching.

Beware “the Great Resignation”

Employers that ignore the factors driving “the Great Resignation” risk watching their top talent walk out the door. An Allwork roundup of recent surveys and reports paints a stark picture of a workforce that has been “sheltering in job” during the pandemic but is ready to move on to new roles: more than half (52%) of North American employees plan to look for a new job this year, and 47% of employees said they would look for a new job if their employer didn’t offer the option of hybrid work (remote and in-office). Based on what she’s seeing as an executive search and placement specialist, EBA Associates founder Liz Capants recommends that employers offer flexibility, trust, and wellness coaching in their efforts to retain employees.

Focus on trust and autonomy

“In so many cases, there’s been a shift in the balance in the relationship between employers and employees,” Capants observes. “For example, after working from home successfully and productively for the past year and a half, employees need less supervision and management oversight than before. If you have a manager who likes to micromanage, that could cause friction if people have learned to be their own managers. The key is for employers to acknowledge that while still setting boundaries for how those relationships between managers and their direct reports will work.”

Offer flexibility and hybrid working modes

Along with trusting your employees enough to give them that autonomy, it’s important to offer flexibility in schedules and work venues. “Employers need to trust that their employees who’ve been successful at working remotely during the pandemic will continue to be productive with less hands-on management,” says Capants. A recent World Economic Forum article noted that a McKinsey & Company report found that most employees want to work from home three days a week, and more than half want more flexible hybrid virtual-working models, for better work-life balance, among other reasons.

Provide wellness programs to address anxiety

A third employee retention strategy is increased attention to employee health and wellness, specifically benefits that address mental health. Capants says she is seeing “many coaches being brought in by employers to help people deal with anxiety as it relates to the return to the office environment.” The McKinsey report also noted that anxiety can reduce work performance and job satisfaction, resulting in productivity loss. “So, providing wellness benefits that help employees reduce anxiety is a good retention strategy to use,” Capants adds. “And as hybrid work continues, we’re also seeing companies offering workshops on keeping and motivating teams to stay cohesive and engaged in a virtual environment.” You must put your focus to retain employees above the rest.

“Thank you” is a motivator to retain employees

The bottom line? “Treat your employees well as they are your biggest advocates and they will stay,” says Capants. “It’s not always about the money. It’s about the gratitude and acknowledgement you show your employees for work well done. The most powerful motivator can be something as simple as a note to acknowledge their work. A thank-you makes each person feel important and valued, which in turn raises their self-esteem and confidence. Make it a priority to appreciate your team and their commitment to the organization. This inspires them to continue doing more.”

Offering trust, flexibility, and help with wellness concerns can go a long way to retain employees, especially your best employees in a challenging time.